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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of Joshua Evans

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Ministers. It came into my mind that in a season of drought, we
we looked to the clouds for rain; sometimes many clouds produce but little -
rain, so when divers preachers are in the gallery, & the minds of the
people turned towards them, & not to the bishop of Souls, a disappointment
often happens.


I have done no good thing.

For several days after this, I was closely engaged in visiting
the sick, and in assisting, and pleading the cause of the poor, to my
comfort, and I hope, to their benefit.

2nd month 1st.

I was at Burlington Mo.ly Meeting

, & had some service
both amongst Men friends & the Women, tho' it seemed hard work, because
of lukewarmness, and I feared the World was likely to gain Ascendancy.


Attending also the Mo.ly Meeting at Chesterfield

, it appeared to be
a low season, & part of the time unprofitably spent; Some who had more
of the form than substance urging sentiments to carry their Point, I thought
it was distressing to some younger persons, & so it was to me.


Springfield Monthly meeting

held to day, I thought was a more
favour'd time in the management of their business; Friends seemed to
be united, & the Youth sat solidly, which was pleasant to observe.
I had a comforting time in a Family yesterday evening; the Chil-
dren appear'd in a good degree of innocence. (C. Newbolds.)


At the Monthly Meeting of Mount-holly

, I thought matters
were in a low condition, scarcely managed to the honour of Truth:
as life seem'd wanting. -- In the evening I visisted one who
had been an old Professor, hurt by taking strong drink to excess; I dealt
closely with him, as I took him to be deceiver.