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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of Joshua Evans

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nicety in t trigging of the body, doth not add to the Soul's un-
fitness to approach the presence of a heartsearching God, when
we go to places for solemn worship.


Drowsiness in times of worship was complained of in our
Answers brought in to the Quar.ly Meeting

of business; whereupon
I was concerned to bring into consideration, whether high, luxurious
eating & drinking Cider, Wine &c, plentifully, with smoking tobacco,
did not tend in some measure to alter the state of the body, and thereby
add to the causes of heavy dullness when friends come to sit down in our religious Meetings.

That of paying a kind attention to the Situation of the Native
Indians who dwell near us, by visiting them, & inspecting as well as helping their neces-
sities, as winter is approaching, and we much indebted to them, as such
who possess the Land which was theirs, & obtained from them at a cheap
rate, was at this time urged to friends Observation as a Christian
duty; My mind is often concerted for that people.


I was at Evesham Mo.ly Meeting

in company with several
ministring friends: I have often thought that the time in our meetings for business
ought to be occupied in attending thereto, and not taken up with com-
munications in the way of preaching; Life and power far exceed


My mind was turned in feeling sympathy towards
the poor and afflicted, divers of whom I visited: one of them was
antient, whose time seemed nearly over, and I feared his days work was
not done; I urged him to use all diligence.