's house, which was thought to be solid and
as well as pretty large.
Place Inoformation
Travelling homewards about 30 miles, I had in the Evening at a
Friends house
some edifying conversation: I fear it is too often other-
wise, and that the
Cause of Truth is at times hurt, and perhaps honest enqui-
rers stumbled,
and friends weakened, when they come together, by light
conversation on
worldly, or trifling Subjects. Had a Meeting at
Person Information
as well as pretty large.
, had a large Meeting in
the forenoon, which was exercising: and in the afternoon another at Cole-
bark; This was a comfortable
heart-tendering season, wherein many eyes
dropped tears. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, who helpeth.
Place Inoformation
Next at Ammawock
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the forenoon, which was exercising: and in the afternoon another at Cole-
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dropped tears. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, who helpeth.
where Life was not permitted to rise high; And another in the after-
noon at Isaiah Quimby's, which was more Satisfactory.
Place Inoformation
I likewise had pretty large Meeting in the forenoon at Shappaqua
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where Life was not permitted to rise high; And another in the after-
noon at Isaiah Quimby
Person Information
, I was on first day,
fore, and afternoon
at Meeting with my
friends there, which I thought were the most
afflicting Meetings I had sat in for some time: It was near the close
of a season of Mortality wherewith that city had been visited; which
should have produced humility, turning peoples' minds from the pursuit of
earthly riches, to that treasure which is durable: But to my grief, I was
afraid the inhabitants (when the late rod was withdrawn) too many were
turning, like the Sow, to that of wallowing in the mire again.
Place Inoformation
Coming on to New-York
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at Meeting
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afflicting Meetings I had sat in for some time: It was near the close
of a season of Mortality wherewith that city had been visited; which
should have produced humility, turning peoples' minds from the pursuit of
earthly riches, to that treasure which is durable: But to my grief, I was
afraid the inhabitants (when the late rod was withdrawn) too many were
turning, like the Sow, to that of wallowing in the mire again.
and had close conversation
Place Inoformation
Next day I visited a few families in the City
Place Inoformation