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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of Joshua Evans

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the nature or right manner of educating Children, which I men-
tioned, and left with them.


Next I attended the Creek Monthly Meeting

: which, I thought was an exercising poor-time.
The day following I had a large Meeting, which was at my desire
appointed for the young people at the Creek Meeting-house; This
was a season of Divine Favour: The Youth felt more pleasant to me
separated from others; I fear the unlawful love of lawless things is
a great Snare, in which the Enemy hath caught many, who have appear'd
to be well-disposed Members of our Society, up and down in this land.


Had a Meeting at Little nine Partners

, so large that the house could
not contain all the people; It was exercising, yet blessed be the God
of all power; he gave ability to labor in his cause, to the tendering of
some hearts. Returning to Nine Partners, I was at a Meeting
appointed for the Youth, at my desire: which was a solid favoured time:
some of these appeared to be of the naughty rebellious Ones: Oh! may
the opportunity be as bread cast upon the Waters' to be found hereafter.


I had also at the same place a large and solid Meeting with
the Parents and Heads of Families of the Monthly Meeting

; I had to
revive among them the Sense of our Primitive friends, respecting fine
houses, Rich furniture, a Worldly spirit, &c, also my sentiments concern-
ing the free use of Tobacco, & other things heretofore mention'd, which