nature or right manner of educating Children, which I men-
tioned, and left
with them.
which, I thought was an exercising poor-time.
The day following I had a large Meeting, which was at my desire
appointed for the young people at the Creek Meeting-house; This
was a season of Divine Favour: The Youth felt more pleasant to me
separated from others; I fear the unlawful love of lawless things is
a great Snare, in which the Enemy hath caught many, who have appear'd
to be well-disposed Members of our Society, up and down in this land.
Place Inoformation
Next I attended the Creek Monthly Meeting
Orgnization Information
The day following I had a large Meeting, which was at my desire
appointed for the young people at the Creek Meeting-house
Orgnization Information
was a season of Divine Favour: The Youth felt more pleasant to me
separated from others; I fear the unlawful love of lawless things is
a great Snare, in which the Enemy hath caught many, who have appear'd
to be well-disposed Members of our Society, up and down in this land.
, so
large that the house could
not contain all the people; It was exercising, yet blessed be the God
of all power; he gave ability to labor in his cause, to the tendering of
some hearts. Returning to Nine Partners, I was at a Meeting
appointed for the Youth, at my desire: which was a solid favoured time:
some of these appeared to be of the naughty rebellious Ones: Oh! may
the opportunity be as bread cast upon the Waters' to be found hereafter.
Place Inoformation
Had a Meeting at Little nine Partners
Orgnization Information
not contain all the people; It was exercising, yet blessed be the God
of all power; he gave ability to labor in his cause, to the tendering of
some hearts. Returning to Nine Partners
Place Inoformation
Orgnization Information
appointed for the Youth, at my desire: which was a solid favoured time:
some of these appeared to be of the naughty rebellious Ones: Oh! may
the opportunity be as bread cast upon the Waters' to be found hereafter.
; I had
revive among them the Sense of our Primitive friends, respecting fine
houses, Rich furniture, a Worldly spirit, &c, also my sentiments concern-
ing the free use of Tobacco, & other things heretofore mention'd, which
Place Inoformation
I had also at the same place a large and solid Meeting with
the Parents and
Heads of Families of the Monthly Meeting
Orgnization Information
revive among them the Sense of our Primitive friends, respecting fine
houses, Rich furniture, a Worldly spirit, &c, also my sentiments concern-
ing the free use of Tobacco, & other things heretofore mention'd, which