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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of a Visit to the Oneida, Stockbridge, and Brotherton Indians

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held our little weekday Meeting in our Landlord’s
Barn, in the after noon committed stated our proposi
tions in writing which respect to what we want
the Oneida

to grant that they and Ourselves things
might be upon Certainties next morning 25th: three
of our company went called a Counsel of theSeveral of their
Chiefs Read them and which were Interpreted
which seem'd to be agreeable to them, they requested
to have them until Second day the day appointed to
again meet them in Counsel they had them accordingly
J. Pierse and Myself spent part of the day in Visiting the
Sick and Aged, who Received with with marks of great friendship Acknowledging
it a sure mark of our great friendship to them the Poor
Indians when we had left our homes & had Rode so far
to see them, As a mark of their friendship Gratitude one Instance
verifies, one of the persons Women, a widow who had before invited
us to see her sick sister had sent a present of half a
very good lamb this morning, She has Seven Children the
youngest about two years old & her sick Sister who had been
so for near Two years, there is her family she appears to
live as Comfortably as any of her neighbors, She told us she
had ten sheep, & that she had the wool spun, & was afterward
inform'd by their Minister she last year made fourteen
yards of Cloth, when we were willing to pay her for the Lamb
we had Receiv'd from her but wish'd she might kill no more
for Us, that we wanted them the Indians to get a great
many more Sheep so that they might make their own
Cloathing, she said she did not propose killing any more