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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of a Journey

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joints or vaccuums between them mostly about an
inch wide. Some places we found them to extend into
the lake; other places not quite to the edge of it; and
in others not within ten yards of it. Where they ex-
tended to the lake, they formed a beautiful level to
ride upon. The next layer or stratum is slate about
ten feet perpendicular. In some places it appeared
very shelly or near rotten; in many others, excel-
lent slate in great quantities either for flagging or
covering for houses. Then one general layer of lime-
stone about fifteen or eighteen inches thick; then
pretty generally slate or other stone to the top of the
wall or abutment, all which are curiously jointed in
smooth squares or columnes some two feet square,
some five, and some in oblong squares two or three
feet by eight or ten. And as the water in wet times
penetrates down those joints, I suppose it freezes in
the winter and bursts off the columns, which fall
down on the margin of the lake, in many places large
bodies of them together as much as several square
rods, and the timber on the top with them. In many
places the trees were hanging by one half of the
roots with their tops below a level, and some right
top downwards and not touching the bottom. In
many places by the continual dahsing of the waves
against the rocks they are worn in curious forms.


Rode three miles down on the margin of the
lake and river Niagara to the ferry. No such curious
wall on our right hand as yesterday, but similar beds
of limestone. This Niagara River is the great outlet
of all the northwestern lakes and waters, which
makes a very great river above a mile wide and of
great depth, running very rapidly. We crossed the
river in a boat, which the heavy current drives across
in a few minutes, which to some of our company ap-
peared a little terrifying; and then rode up on the
margin of the lake on the other side about eight
miles, which appears to be pretty level except some
very high banks of sand and a general bed of lime-
stone lying in a form similar to the lower bed
on the other side. Then turned off from the lake
about a mile to Daniel Pound

's, where four of us
dined and left some linen to be washed (Halliday
and Hugh Hartshorn having part with us
at the ferry and gone down to view the great Falls).
We then rode to Asa Schooly's, where we met with
our beloved friends Wiiliam Blakey, Nathan Smith
and Jacob Paxson, who we heard had arrived two
days before us. Here we all propose to stay this
night, our kind friend and landlord appearing to have
things comfortably convenient about him. They said
they could contrive for bedding for us all; but
Thomas Stewardson and myself were desirous to sleep
on the floor with our blankets, believing it would be
best on several accounts; but we could not do it with-
out hurting our friend's feelings, so consented to take
a bed. But when we got to the bed chamber by our-
selves, we found a good clean bed and clothing, which
we examined, and found a thin straw bed on the
sacking. We then took off the feather bed and laid
it in the corner of the room, expecting we should not
be discovered. But our kind friend came into the
room and found the bed in the corner, but did not any
more insist upon our compliance with their request.

22d. and first of the week.

Stayed and attended
their meeting, which is held in the house of our
friend, Asa Schooly

, where we lodged, which to me
was a dull time, though some lively communications
therein. After dinner I took an affection farewell
of Halliday Jackson, who was returned from viewing
the great Falls and is now about to return through a
lonesome wilderness to Genesinguhta, the place of
his present abode. We then classed ourselves in
order to visit the families in this neighborhood,
Nathan Smith, Jacob Paxson, and James Cooper
going in one company, and William Blakey, Joshua
, Thomas Stewardson, and myself in another.
We then proceeded to and visited the families of
John Cutler, a member; John Harret, and Azariah
. Neither of the last two in membership, but
hopeful, well inclined people. Returned to lodge at
the same place. I may here note that Joshua Sharp-
, in getting into the boat at Buffalo Creek, slipped
and fell on the edge of hte boat, which at first did
not seem very bad, but [he] hath been gradually
getting worse. We now think some of his short ribs
are broken, and it looks as if he would hardly be fit to
travel to-morrow.


Joshua Sharples

being too much amiss to
venture out, we set out without him and had religious
opportunities in the families of Daniel Pound, the
widow Morris, and Obadiah Dennis, the second of
which in a particular manner was a favorable one;
and then returned to our old lodging where we all
met and had a religious opportunity in the family.


Joshua Sharples

being unable to travel, we
left him and rode thirty miles to John Wills's, where
we lodged. On our way we rode fourteen miles down
the river Niagara, crossed Chippeway River and passed
the great Falls. Several of our company were dis-
posed to take a view of the great phenomenon, but
James Cooper and myself thought there was not time
sufficient to satisfy our curiosity, so rode on and left
them to take a slight view. We all met at the afore-
said Wills's, and had an opportunity of retirement in
the family, in which was some pretty close work.


Set off from John Wills

's, he accompanying
us, and rode eleven miles to Friends' meeting, at the
place called the Short Hills, which in the forepart
was very heavy and trying, but more lively before the
conclusion. After meeting, William Blakey, Thomas
, and myself visited Samuel Taylor and
family, and went to Jeremiah Moore's to lodge, in
whose family we had a solid opportunity.


We visited the families of Enoch Shrigley

Solomon Moore, Jacob
, and Thomas Rice, none
of them members, but all the descendants [of Friends]
and appear to be thoughtful people. In the evening
had a religious opportunity in the family of John
, whose wife and children are members, but
John was disowned by the Falls Monthly Meeting
and is now desirous of being reinstated, and sent an
acknowledgment by William Blakey; here we lodged.


Joshua Sharples

met us yesterday in the
afternoon, being somewhat better, but weakly yet.
We visited the families of Joshua Gillam and Ben-
jamin Will
, both members, and the family of Thomas
, not a member, it being a tender visitation to