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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of a Visit

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neither are their houses & Clothes
kept so clean and neat which is a strong
evidence that friends Labour and exam-
ple at Allegany

has had a powerful
effect in these respects ----

Being now near the extent of our
Journey - John Philips

& myself propos'd
takeing our route homewards by way of
Buffalo & Genesee - Isaac Bonsal & Nicho-
-las Waln
being bound for the state of
Ohio by way of Pressqu Isle -- we concluded
to go down to the Lake near the Mouth
of Cataraugus River and Lodge this night
together -- Accordingly between four and
five oclock we set off (most of the Indians
in the village comeing to to bid us fare-
well) and rode down the River through
some fine natural meadows coverd
with much Grass and herbage & rich wal-
nut flats five Miles to Captain Sidness

Tavern - and we ferry'd over the River
near the Lake in a flat -- We also saw
a number haystacks on the way which
was cut and put up by the Indians --