That they were very glad to hear our
Speech and thankful to the Great
for the advice we had given them - that our
advice heretofore
had been very useful and
encourageing to them to pursue industrious
habits and they had already got their
eyes open and were determined to go
in the Cultivation of their Land, for they
knew their Land was very
good and they
suppos'd it was the mind of the Great
Spirit that they
were setled here in this
good Land -- that they were determined
take our advice in learning their
Children to work while they were
& they had for several years past been
in the practice of
learning them -- that
ten years ago they had little or no cattle
stock of any kind, but now they
were geting plenty and our advice was
very good respecting their provideing
fodder, & that some of them had
made a beginning to sow Timothy seed-
for they had sometimes
found it diffi-cult