with a prospect that their Labours
among this people was under the direction
of best wisdom and the concern
own'd by him
who hath called them to the work ----
Just before dinner Cornplanter
Person Information
to see us and said he was glad to hear of
our Arival. He knew me and enquir'd
after my family - I gave several friends
love to him who had sent it by me, among
the rest John Parrish
Person Information
to hear from and enquir'd particularly whe-
ther the Old Man was yet able to ride about -
he din'd with us had a good deal of conversa-
tion & said he would meet us in counsel
In the afternoon most of our Company
took a walk thro' part of the
woods intended to be included in the survey
of this farm, and
ascended a mountain
on the South side of the Farm (call'd
South Mountain) nearly to the top
considerable difficulty, climbing
over abundance of logs then
with Briars and Bushes -- from the