want to enjoy our own.
Brother we are told that you have
been preaching to the white
people in
this place - These people are our neighbours
we are
acquainted with them. we will wait
a little while and see what
effect your prea-
-ching has upon them - If we find it does
good - makes them honest and less dispos'd to
Indians we will then consider again
what you have said. --
You have now heard our answer
to your talk, and this
is all we have to
say at present as we are going to part
will come and take you by the hand
and hope the Great Spirit will
you on your Journey and return you
safe to your
friends --
As the Indians began to approach the
missionary he arose hastily from his
and replied that he would not take them
by the hand - that there
was no fellowship
between the religeon of God and the works
of the
Devil. This being interpreted to the
Indians they smild and retir'd in a
able manner --