A Smith would be very desirable and we
think ex-
tensively useful at this place –
We have kept up a school at our house the present
Winter where several
small children have attended
and make some progress in learning – and
Indian Lad about 13 years of age is now resideing
with us, whom we
have a prospect of keeping to
instruct in our business –
We have lately received a letter from the Indians
of Cattaraugus Village
Place Information
their prospect of looking toward us for assistance
and instruction –on serious deliberation on
the subject we felt easy to write them an answer
in order to strengthen and encourage them in
the resolutions the appear to have adopted, a
copy of which with the letter the sent us is here
enclosed for your perusal – What ever result
may take place in the Committee respecting those
Indians, we are free to suggest, if nothing further
is attempted for their advancement in civilization,
whether or no a few Axes & Hoes or such like use-
ful articles; would not be expedient to send among
them in order to support that Friendship and
Confidence they appear to have in our Society –
And if the Committee should see cause to afford