desire our Friends to take it in
consideration, we
desire to get the knowledge of Farming from our
Friends, as one god made us both, we have advanced
ourselves but still
think fit to embrace opportu
-nity offer'd us by our Friends if we have
Gift, that we may have our eyes opened—
We first lay our matter
before you our friends
as you have come forward and offer'd to assist
in our undertakings, as their is 381 Souls
in this Village that have agreed
to receive
instructions from you, in all the various
Branches of
learning, letters, pen and till-
ing the Field, as we have seen Great
fit by Captain Obeals
to be instructed in the same Rules—
Brothers if you will take into consideration
to Favor us according to our
desire, and
send such men as you think fit to instruct
us, they shall
have houses and Lands
to make themselves comfortable and shall
not be
molested by friend, nor foe—but
be protected according to the best of our