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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Geneninguhta [Correspondence]

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Summer we hope this Subject will be weightily
impressed on your minds, all which we Submit
to your Solid deliberation—

We are well and are your affectionate
Friends—Signed &c.
2nd from Thomas Wistar received the 1st of 2nd mo 99 Philadelphia 11th mo 19-98 Dear Friends

I wrote to you (I think) some
time in the last month from Monmouth
County, New Jersey

to which place I had remo-
ved with my Family on account of the aw
ful visitation of Sickness under which many
of the inhabitants of this City were then labor
ing, and which continued until about the
5th of this month when it pleased the
great disposer of events to cause a dispensation
of more general health—In the course of
about three months, near three thousand
five hundred of my fellow Citizens have been