at Conescotago
Place Information
place-- We are at present in a reasonable state of
health and remain your loving Friends Henry Simmons
Person Information
Person Information
Person Information
to Cattaraugus
Place Information
with an accident which disabled him from
Walking and not returning so soon as we
expected, and an Indian now waiting to take
the letter to fort franklin
Place Information
expedient to send it without his Name
3rd Letter to the Committee
1st mo. 23rd 1799
Dear Friends,
Dear Friends,
We have written two letters to you
since our settling here the last of
which was dated
16 of 11 mo 98, and altho’ we have received
answer from you in a Collective capacity we
doubt not but many of
you sympathize with
us, and we are often mercifully favored to feel
help of your Spirits cooperating and strength-