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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

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the duty, so far as he alone was concerned. The
Little Turtle

had in one of his interviews with
the Friends told them our young men are not
so much disposed to be industrious as we could
desire. Philip Dennis found this represen-
tation of them fully verified in his experience.
After he had, with some assistance from the In-
dians, enclosed his plantation with a rude fence,
only one, or at the most two of the red men
evinced any disposition to labor. They would
take a seat either on the fence, or in the trees,
near the premises, and watch him with apparent
interest in his daily engagement of ploughing
and hoeing, but without offering to lend a help-
ing hand. He found the land very fertile, and
raised a large crop of corn and other products,
which, after gathering into a storehouse he built
for the purpose in the autumn, he left in charge
of some of the neighboring chiefs for a winter
supply for the necessitous members of the tribes
for whom he had labored, and returned to his
home at Ellicott's Mills.

Philip Dennis

lived some years afterwards,
a respectable member of the Society of Friends,
and died on his farm in Montgomery County,

The promise made at the commencement of
the foregoing brief history of the Indian Com-

of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, from its
appointment in 1795 to 1804, has thus been