Immediately after their organization Philip E.
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E. Thomas
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Secretary to the Committee
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and ability, from the date of his appointment to
the time of his decrease, which took place the 1st
day of 9th month, 1861, Elias Ellicott
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been Treasurer of the Indian Committee
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the period of its origin in the year 1795. After
this reappointment he continued faithfully to
perform the trust confided to him, until his de-
cease in 10th month, 1827.
At the next meeting of the Committee on In-
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letter was received from the Little Turtle
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the Five Medals
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which resulted in the appointment of a delega-
tion to visit them, of whom Gerard T. Hopkins
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and George Ellicott
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The Friends who accomplished this journey
together have now for many years
been num-
bered with the dead. George
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this life the 9th of 4th month, 1832, aged 72
years, and Gerard T. Hopkins
Person Information
years afterwards on the 27th of 3d month, 1834,
in the 66th year of his age.
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Fort Wayne
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the Indians in agriculture, faithfully performed