and requested that any information intended
them should be conveyed to them through their
William Wells
After taking his seat, this chief appeared to
have reflected that he had not
answered fully
the questions proposed to them, and rising again,
Brothers and Friends: It is the real wish
of your
brothers, the Indians, to engage in the
cultivation of our lands, and
although the game
is not yet so scarce but that we can get enough
to eat, we know it is becoming scarce, and that
we must begin to take
hold of such tools as we
see are in the hands of the white
people. After-
wards he alluded in forcible language to the
fidence which the Red men had in the Friends,
and that they knew
they desired no compensa-
tion for their services to them, and added, Bro-
thers, we are a jealously disposed
every white man that comes among us endeavors
cheat us; this has occasioned jealousy among
us. But your talks,
brothers, are different, and
we believe you.
The Five Medals
which he reiterated much that the Little Turtle
had spoken, and continued:
Friends and Broth-
ers, the talks that you have now delivered to
us shall be carefully collected, wrapped up and
put in our
hearts,-we will not forget them.
On our return home, we will have
them com-