brothers, that it has pleased the
Great Spirit
that two of us mentioned in the letter, should
reach the country of our red brethren. Brothers,
we thought it
right in the first place to send for
you, and to show you the
letter which has just
been read. We are glad that you are now
and that we have this opportunity of taking you
by the
Brothers, we believe that we have some things
to say to you which
are of great importance to
our red brothers, to their old men, to
their young
men, to their women, and to their children.
Brothers, we may now mention that we have
not come merely to talk,
but we hope we have
come prepared to do a little for the welfare
our red brethren.
Brothers, in looking over our business, we
have thought that we
should be glad to have an
opportunity of seeing our red brethren
and are willing to propose for your consideration,
that you should now fix upon some place, and
agree upon some time
to meet us again, and that
our brothers invite their old men, their
men, their women and their children to meet us,
when we
shall have something to say which it
may not be necessary now to
Brothers and Friends,- Should you think
that the proposal which we
have now made is
proper, and conclude to meet us in the manner
we have pointed out, we expect we shall have
but little more to say
at present.
Here a pause