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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

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you by the hand on our behalf. And we desire
that you will receive them, or any of them that
may be enabled to perform the journey as your
brothers, in whom we have confidence, and that
you will receive any communications from them
as being from us, who are desirous of assisting
you in what may add to your comfort, and that
of your women and children.

Your friends and brothers, William Stabler, Isaac Tyson, Benjamin Ellicott, John Ellicott Edward Stabler Philip E. Thomas Andrew Ellicott, Jr., Evan Thomas, Elisha Tyson, Jonathan Wright, Elias Ellicott, Jonathan Ellicott, Thomas More, Samuel Snowden. Baltimore, 2d. mo. 4th, 1804.

At the contents of this letter they expressed
their satisfaction, and after a pause of several
minutes we addressed them through an interpre-
ter as follows:

Brothers and Friends.- You observe that
the letter which has just been read, makes men-
tion of four of us appointed to visit you. One
of these was an infirm man who thought he
could not endure the fatigue of so long a jour-
ney, and therefore did not come. The other
did not omit to come for the want of love to his
red brethren; family circumstances rendered it
inconvenient for him to leave home. You see,