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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

Page out of 262

quantities by going for it into the State of Ohio

the Indiana & Michigan Territories: This has
much arrested the progress of their improvement
and it is with deep concern we add that
they seem fast relapsing into their former habits &
your memorialists are of the opinion that
no exertion on their part will be likely to
produce much permanent advantages to the
Indians unless they can be restricted from
Spiritous Liquor; many of them are sensible of
its desolating effects and with us deplore its
ravages upon them, but are unable to prevent
its introduction into their country; they have
accordingly addressed a Memorial to the
President of the United States (a copy of which they
likewise transmited to us) intreating that
measures may be taken to prevent the sale
of this destructive article to any Indian within the
State of Ohio, or the Territories of Indiana or
Michigan. We have no doubt but that the
benevolent policy of the general Government
towards these people will induce it to exercise
its influence to prevent their obtaining
it in the latter Territories, we are therefore induced
respectfully to represent the forgoing facts to you, ear
nestly requesting your serious attention to the
subject, and that you will adopt such measures
for their benefit as to you may seem right & proper
under a solid consideration of the importance
of the proposed movement the committee after mature