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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

Page out of 262

working inside of our fences from this you
must not understand me that I am displea
sed with the aid we have received we are
entirely satisfied with it It is two years since
you sent these people amongst us. I repeat
they have not been so useful to us as I expected
yet I am not dissatisfied- They generally
work a field by themselves beyond our house
we are glad of the aid you have offered us, But
would be better pleased if you would extend
your aid more generally amongst us
My Brothers would then have reason to be
glad as well as myself. You have told us
that these people you have sent amongst us
would aid & assist us. This is an evidence of the
good you wish to do for us & it is a misfortune
among your red Brethren that they are not all
of one sentiment on this subject. we are very glad
of the aid that you have sent us, we would rather
the young men you send us would aid us in our
own fields they would be of more service to us
in this way. It also has been said amongst us
when our Brethren wish to withdraw from us
altogether, who is to take possession of their
improvements they are not sufficient for us all