on their way home many of them
called at our House amongst them was
an elderly female Chief with whom
we had considerable conversation, amongst
other things she observed that
the Indian
Women had too great a burden to labour under
for the Men
would work but little, the Women
had to cut and carry home all the fire
plant & raise all the Corn pound it &
prepare it for
eating, and when it was
ready the Men must eat first, and when
the Men
killed any Deer the Women had to
carry home the meat and what was
than all the Men often got Drunk and
then they would beat and
abuse the
Woman and yet they had to bear it all.
I was a little
pleased with the old Womans
remark as many of them do not seem
their husbands should work.
I set out in company with
two Indians in a Canoe loaded with wheat
intending to go to Oil Creek