much toil and hardships wandering
thro' the Snow when it is 2 or 3 feet
deep, The Indians sat pretty quiet
and some
of them appeared somewhat convicted, they in-
formed us that
they would consult each other
and others of their people when they get
and give us an answer another time. A few
Days after the Indians
assembled again and
made reply to what we had said to them the
substance is nearly as follows We have made
enquiry and conversed
with each other concern-
ing you, but can find no faith in all your
proceedings, but find you just and upright in
all your ways amongst us,
and that the
fault and bad conduct lies on our own side
We wish
you to make your minds easy
concerning us, for we intend to take
advice and try to do better. And we are
determined not to let
any more Whisky
be exposed for sale amongst us. We have
the young Chiefs to have the over-
sight of those that misconduct in
We will now take up work and assist our
Women in the labor
of the field-