Brothers We will give you these premiums
for Four years from this
time if our young Men
should stay so long, and upon these
that the person who applies for the premium
produce a Certificate from two of the Chiefs
certifying the
quantity of Grains, Cloth &c. for which
the premium is demanded and
that it was
raised or made in the manner above mentioned,
that the person so applying has not
been intoxicated with strong
Drinks at least
for the term of six Months before such
plication; And our Friends Henry
Joel Swayne
thorized and desired to pay the above mentioned
premiums agreeable to what is herein before
expressed- 5 mo 22nd 1798
John Pierce
Henry Simmons
Joel Swayne
Halliday Jackson
After the foregoing was read the Indians re-
tired into a private apartment
in order to con-
sult each others minds that they might