horseback, and conducted us to the town, where we were
well entertained by his good wife, a managing well-
disposed Woman. These
People settled here by the courters
of the Oneidas
Organization Information
6 miles square, having sold themselves out of house and home, in
the northern parts of Massachusetts, where they had long resided,
under the care of a Missionary from the Scotch Society for the
propagation of the Gospel.
Organization Information
Person Information
He stays with them half his time, two months alternately, and
appears to have their wellfare at heart, being now here with
two agreeable Daughters, who make us wellcome. There are
about 60 Families of them, amounting to about 300 persons,
increasing rapidly, for Indians, as the births exceed the deaths
as 2 to 1. This is evidently in consequence of their peace
able, and comparatively, sober and industrious way of living. Every Fa-
mily has 100 acres in its own right, and as much is divided
off to every new Beginner; the rest, together with a Saw Mill,
three yoke of Oxen, some Horses, and an annuity of 250 dollars
a year, from the United States, being held in common. This
we learnt from their Chiefs and Councellors in a private con-
ference; one of the latter, called impressing us
all with respect, by singular meekness, gravity, and decorum.
On 20. day morning we had a public hearing in their meeting