to appearance, it laid still in the road,
neither offer’d to fight nor run.
In the course of this day’s ride we
pass’d within a few miles to the right
of Onandago salt works, a place
where there are a large number
of salt springs, in a marshy, loggy
bottom. We were inform’d 500 men
are at this times employ’d at these
works, & that salt may be had there
for 62 cts per bushel, & that all the
northern & western country, & much of
Upper Canada is pretty much sup-
plied therefrom. From this stage
to the Oneida village village 12 miles. In
about one mile we pass’d by a well
improv’d farm, with a good house,
barn, & other buildings, & a large pro-
portion of good timothy meadow
belonging to, & in the possession of