inform’d the lake is 45 miles long, &
in places 4 miles wide; we now enter’d
a pretty thickly settled country, con-
siderably improv’d, the land still very
good, with plenty of limestone, & in 8
miles cross’d a large lively stream,
being the outlet of Owasco lake,
which lake is 12 miles long & 1 broad,
about 1 ½ miles on this side we fed
10 ½ miles over a very fine country, pretty
well water’d, which has not been the
case for many miles back, which country
was considerably settled, few of the im-
provements older than 4 years. I have
been much delighted in the last 15
miles’ ride, in beholding the beautiful
& well grown fields of wheat, clooer, &
timothy mix’d, & lots of corn. I thought
one half of the clear’d land was in