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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of a visit paid to the Indians in New York State

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getting over some large waters; this river
for several days past has been near 3
feet higher than when we first came
Our going up & down this river while
among the Indians, makes 45 miles.


About sunrise this morning our guide
Indian John, a chief who lives in this
town, call’d on us, & being ready to take
our departure, about 5 Oclock we look
an affectionate farewell of our friends
& set off for the mouth of Buffaloe.
We went up the river about 5 miles,
thro’ a very thick wood, with a great
quantity of windfell timber, & a large
proportion of young under stuff
growing, up, & next to no pain; so that
we presently got very wet from the bushes
we then left the river to our right; and
went up a fine country, heavily timber’d
mostly white pine, having a small