and when done with, is hung up un-
till somebody else comes in. When they
have no hominy, the bread or dump-
lings go round in like manner.
In their clothing, their turn is for some-
thing tawdry; such a gay handkerchief
calico shirt, scarlet leggons, blue coat,
or petticoat, a belt of lively colours deco-
rated with beads tied round their mid-
dles, or knees, with long ends hanging
down; they are very fond of trinkets of
various kinds, in their noses and ears,
the men more particularly.
I have seen bobs of various kinds hang-
ing in their noses, in weight, an ounce
or more, coming down over their mouths.
The warriors have the rim of their
ears cut round, and loaded with
different kinds of toys, untill they
hang down several inches.