was nearly as large as French creek.
For about two miles after we crossed this water
the land was good, but from thence to the
Allegany river perhaps 8 miles we had a rough
mountainous country and I think much of
it poor thin soil with a numbe of steep hills
to ascend and desend, our road was better
calculated for and Indian path than for
travelling on horseback; there was a great
abundance of windfell timber to cross we
throught on an average one or more for ev-
ery two perch some we could get round and
some others we jumped our horses over.
When we arrived on the river we stopped
a hile to let our horses eat grass there being
a great plenty on some of its bottoms which
was a pleasing sight and had a ten-
dency to remove some frears which atten-
ded when in the naked woods where no
grass was to be seen. that our horses