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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons letterbooks, Vol. 2 1798

Page out of 86

of 42 square miles on Caturaugus River
adjoining the East end of Lake Erie, and
Land of a superior quality, several Hun-
dred acres of which is already clear’d of the
timber. they have several head of horse
creatures, and a good many Cattle, but
are very desirous of having some body
amongst them to instruct their Chil-
dren. learning them the arts of farming
and also supply them with some necessa-
ry Impliments to carry on that business
which they are not able to purchace
themselves, as we were lately informed
by one of their Chiefs. We understand
there are several good Millseats on
their Land, and although we consi-
der the smallness of our Funds esta-
blished for the benefit of the Indians
we are of the judgment it would
be proper to give them a little