practicable next Spring (to wit)
a set of Smith Tools
1 Bar of Iron, 1 D.o Steel
1 Faggot of Nail Rods
1 Pair of Cart Wheels with
axle Tree hooks & Linchpins
1 Doz. Sythes, made short & strong
with ½ d.o sets of Hangings
3 or 4 Sickels, 2 Broad Axes
6 Long Drawing Knives
2 Firmer Goughes ½ 9 & Inch & ¼
2 Mill picks, to make Grindstones
1 Piece of Strong Cloth,
1 Piece of Ticklengburg or Strong Linn
1 Dito of Blanketing
a few Doz. of Pocket knives
Some Course needles & Thread
a few Doz. of Course & fine Combs
½ a Hundred Shoemakers Tacks