desirous to learn a trade, either to be a Doctor or
Black Smith. Thy Grand Mother love to
thee, Likewise they Aunts, Genneh & Caty. I con-
clude with much love to thee, and remain thy
loveing Mother. Eve Knuhkaunmow New Stockbridg
10th mo 23th 1799
N.B. I received the things the send by Margery with gladness
It is two years I received a kind & friend-
ly Letter from thee, dated 10 mo 13th 1797, which
I have never yet give thee an answer, but it is not be-
cause I have forgotten thee, or thy kindness, But I
am sorry to inform thee that I have met with unexpec-
ted and long continueance of trial, which I could wish thee
would excuse me of mentioning particularly. I have