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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons letterbooks, Vol. 1 1797

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book into our Language, we are much pleased with it, and
we think it would be a great help to Children to understa-
nd English, as most of my School Children can read in En-
glish and in Indian; but my situation has been Such.
I could not do it yet, but I shall begin at it pretty soon.

Nothing particularly has occured here - only
I would inform thee, that Some young Men, Industrious
young men desireous the alteration of one Clause
of the articles of agreement made by Friends,
the Committee of thy Sosiety; if it can be done con-
sistantly with your condecention already mani-
fested towards my people, respecting the con-
dition of premiums; they think it is rather
to hard for a Man, when he is endeavouring to
follow sobriety, yet in some time or other thro’
his weakness overcome by that Monstrous Hero
unexpectedly, and thereby forfeit the Premium;
but the matter is not essential; for we know
you have done for us more than others, or we could
expect. I have had no time to write till this