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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons letterbooks, Vol. 1 1797

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New Stockbridg 9mo 9th 1797

Dear Friend & Brother,
I embrace this opportunity to inform thee,
that I am in good Health Family and all my people
I received thy Letter last summer, after its nine week’s
date, and the bundle of books which was directed to me,
in the first place I got the principal men to hear it
read, as the spake to us at Larg; and after that others
where read it them, we attended with seriousness, and
feel the weight of the good Counsels thee given us, our
Hearts are much encouraged when we hear our Friends
voice who concerne for the Temporal and Spirittual
welfare of our Nation, and other nations of Indians,
I am struck with admiration when I reflect on the
kindness we received from Friends, what can be the mo-
tives that induced them to take so much pain for endea-
vouring to lead us to Civilization; I know their are
many our white brethren who would call us Bro-
thers, when they have Interest in view, for posess-
ion of poor Indians, but Friends are quite contra-