Dear Friend,
I must acknowledg the receipt of three letters
from you and also your presents which came with them
which I am unworthy of, but believe God put it into
your Heart to send, and I trust you will have your
reward. Dear Sister, God was pleased
to reveal himself to me thirty years past, and from
that time I have endeavoured to let my light Shine
before the world and my own nation in particular
but have been clog’d with many imperfections, but
I hope in God still that I shall yet prais him for
the health of his countenance. My love to you
and all yours, and hope I shall ever have a sense
of gratitude to my God, for all his favours,and
all my Christian Friends and you in particu-
lar I hope I am a friend to Godliness.
I have had a Husband &
Children, but have neither now
I have been a Widow many years
to Margaret Elliott