She returned down country before thy Letter reached
here. My Love & Sister Mary’s Love to thee
and thy Family, and also Ester Littleman, and
Catherine Littleman desire to join. this from
thy sincere Friend and Sister Elizabeth Mauchtoog
to Margaret Elliott
Philada New Stockbridg September 9th 1797
Although we are unacquainted with each-
other, yet as because our good Friend Henry Sim-
mons, has been told me of some thing of your good
Character, I feel willing to write a few words to you
to let you know that by the goodness of the great
good Spirit, number of our people have been
brought to se their deplorable situation by
nature, and he has shown the way of Salvation
and made us willing to put our trust on him
who is mighty to save. How happy thing it is
to know the ways of the Lord; I have many