Indians so assembled to elect a Person to be Called a
Marshal whose business it shall be to Execute the
orders of the Peacemakers herein after directed to
be chosen.
3rd And be it further Enacted by the authority afore-
said, that it shall and may be Lawful for the Said
Indians so assemble annually to choose three Persons
to be called Peacemakers whose business it shall be to Lay
out such parcel or parcels of Land as shall be agr
eed on, by plurality of votes, at any such Meeting for
the Seperate Improvment of each Person or Family
to be by the Said Peacemakers marked and describ
ed and description thereof made in writing, by them
and delivered to the Clerk, who is to enter the Same
in his Said book.
4th And be it further & c. That each Person
having a seperate improvment aloted to him or her
as aforesaid, the same shall be and remain to such
Person or Persons & there legal representatives witho-
ut the Power of alination and the Person or Persons