Spirit & could not become civilized People, In Looking back
we see nothing but Dissolation of our Tribes, In looking Forwa
rd we foresee the Dissolation of our Mighty men, our Chiefs
has used this Endeavours to reform their respective People,
but having soon no success they seem Discouraged and
hang Down their Heads. Brothers, In remembrance
of your kind Promise, We unight our cries to you for
help, Perhaps you are ready to think what man that may
be, that has abused so much of our Bretheren. Never
was such Heroe or Tyrant heard that ever Meddled with
Indians. But in Litterally he is your own bigoten Son.
and his name you call Rum, and the names of his Officers
are Brandy Wine & Gin; And we know that you
have Power to control him, and as we desire to dive
in Peace, and to become Civilized Nations, We earnestly
intreat you to use your Power, and Wisdom to Prevent
all People, whether white or black who may cause Rum
and other Spirittuous Liquors to come into the Hands
of our Tribes Throughout your State.
Except when sickness Requir’d our Chiefs
may keep a Little for that Purpose.
In your Complyance, with this our request
we will ever Acnowledg your Friendship.