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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons journals, Vol. 2 1799

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I told him I would continue teaching
them that would come. And as for
the rest, we would let them Quietly
alone. perhaps the great Spirit would
open their eyes, and enlighten their
understanding, so they might behold
the nonsensicalness of such Dreams &
Stories, Who could if he pleased, change
their thoughts, in an hours time.

The school was a little small-
er for one day. But afterwards
was larger than it had been at all.

2nd. month 27th. This Day proved
a very trying and painful one, to
my Soul, by reason of a prospect of
an approaching Dance & Frolick
among the Indians, Some of which
l had behend before with great grief,
tho not too so great a degree as at
this time. they had been in