Thy late Friend and our Dear Father
Noah Haines is no more, but closed his time here on seventh
day last after a confinement of Six weeks aged 54 years
his health had been rather declining for the year past.
and upon a heavey Cold settleing about two months since
the Symptoms of decline assumed a very alarming charac
ter and progressed with a gradual but steady pace
until the awful result. Which though a deep
affliction to his family and friends we doubt not
is to his great gain. Through the whole course of
his Sickness (when in his mind) he appeared patient and
resigned & his Close was, the most satisfactory one
I even witnessed his whole soul appeared absorbed
in Prayer & praise uttering untill voice failed the exercise
of his spirit Sealing an undoubted assurance on our
minds that it is well with him & the truth of the
language that ‘blessed are the dead who die in the
Lord as his extensive usefulness as a man his fairness
and examplary deportment in Society are brought before
us with a sense of the loss we must Sustain who had
intercurse with him in Society it would appear that
his place could hardly be filled by an other, but to
him who was the widows friend & Father to the Father
less and a present helper in every needful time of all who
deligently seek him all is possible. If embodied then thee may experience
that might be edifying to encouraging to some minds that he
assist but as the feelings of the family are so tendered with
the loss. as then are and indicative of the fearfull visitation