You mentioned about a
shop, and about coal, now we intend to go
at the
shop early tomorrow morning: we
have got the bark ready to cover
it; and we
shall have it done tomorrow: and some will
go to
drawing wood for coal.
Brothers. This is all we got to say.
We expressed our satisfaction with what
they had said, and let them know
we were
very glad to see their chiefs of the same
mind with us in
this business, and we
were in hopes they would continue to be
this mind. We closed with renewedly
reminding them of the
obligations they
were under to our friends, who remain here
who have
left all their near friends and con-
nections, to come and live amongst
purely from a desire to do them good: and
earnestly entreating
them to keep this fresh
in their minds, and then we were certain
would be attentive and kind to them at all
times. The
conference ended satisfactorily.
This morning about 20 Oneidas
amongst whom were 4 or 5 of their principal chiefs,
got early to work at the smith's shop, and some