homewards, the other said he did not wit-
ness that clearness to set out he
wished to
experience, yet condescended if his compan-
ion thought best
of letting the chief know,
that upon weighing his request, in the
manner they could they felt easy
to move homewards this morning:
information was given him.
He with a number of others pretty
soon came to our lodgings, and
he was sorry we could not make our mines
easy to have
stayed a few days longer, not
doubting but Captain Chapin
cerned would be here to day. But perhaps
as whe had been a considerable time from home,
and living was expensive, we might be
much run out of the meas that would enable
us to stay. I informed him that when I
left home, I expected to have returned in
about 40 days, that it was now near fifty
days, and if we went to Onida
Indians there, which we proposed, it would
take near thirty days more, before we could get
home: that our circumstances in regard to money
were not in the way, for we had plenty.
He said he had left his home on public
business, expecting to have
returned in fifty
or sixty days, and it had taken him near a