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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY

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Visit to the Indians in 1798.

Philadephia Yearly Meeting

's Committee
having concluded to make an attempt at
civilizing some of the Indian Natives on the
North Western border of Pennsylvania, re-
siding on the Alleghany river, in the state
of New York. Several of their number visited said Indians, accom-
panied by their friends, Henry Simmons, Joel
and Halliday Jackson, who went with
the prospect of remaining a while with the Indians
to instruct them in cultivating their lands &c.

Three of the Committee

kep some account
of their travels and experiences in this journey
from which the following is compiled.

Those three friends were Joshua Sharpless

John Pierce and Isaac Coates, of whom we will
speak as Our Travellers.

They set out from Chester County the 1st of 5th Mo. 1798.
One of them says This day left our habi-
tations after experiencing a humbling time in
parting with our families and connections, and
were accompanied from home by Henry Simmons

who called on us, and next day we were met by
Haliday Jackson and Joel Swayne, at the house of
Abraham Gibbons where we all set out in the
afternoon, about 2 o clock; and after several days