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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Diary, Visit to Indians

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Layd Down on the flores we had Something the Calld a Bed
where I had the Satisfaction of Seeing the Stars which was
Pleasing as we had snow for 3 or 4 Days Past Since we left Cannandoque

I Slept very well & was Much Refreshed


we willingly left the Block house

& Rode 10 miles in of woods saw
one Bare which I Came Close to Before he saw me we then fed our
Horses & Eat Something our Selves from thence we Rode to James Kileses 10 miles
or more, in which from the Block house we had Crosed Trout Run 32 times &
Laycomin 9 times our Road mended after we left the Allegany
& But little Snow & it appeared like an other world when
we got to the widdow Mary Harrises where we arrived that Evening
Being 15 miles from Kileses & were Kindly Entertained with a Bountyfull
Table & a warm house where we Stayed all night


This Morning we went to Samuel Wallis

es 6 m Stayed there that Day
to Rest our Selves & horses here John Parrish & James Emler left
Wm. Savery & my self they Purposeing to go by Caterwising & we by
Sunberry & Northumberland


this Day was very Rainey we stayed & went to Muncy

which was Sotted & a Good one we Returned to Samuel
es Continued Raining very fast stayd all night


This morning found Samuels

Mill dam washed away and
the Suquahanna River it was said Rose 10 feet & we were
informed we Could not Cross the waters which was Trying
But Patience was necessary we Endeavoured after it & Stayd
another night here thinking it a Favour we had got to such
good quarters & kind frds