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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Diary, Visit to Indians

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Land which had Been at a former Treaty Seeded to the
United States & Give them Yearly forever whilst they
were friends to the United States 45000 Dollars & that he
Had Ten Thousand Dollers worth of Good, he would give
them to Cloath there wifes & Children


no Buiseness we Dined with Call Pickring

a young Lawyer Lives on the North River at Pokipsey
who lodged with us was with us at Dinner talks of Comeing
here to live


no Buisenss the Indians are Deliberating on the Coll

we went to See the Indian Camp it is Admirable to See how
soon those People can Build a Toun so as for them to live in
Comfortably in there way I Believe in one Day and a half
or 2 Day they had near 300 of there houses Built, & we found
the women at worke at Several Branches of Buiseniss Some
Makeing Mogasons others Betts & Shifts & Baskets & Coocking
Venson Plenty the men mostly gone to Council, Deerskins stretched to Dry


no Publick Council, Red Jacket

, Sagorecy Clear Sky & one more
whose name not none Calld on us for some Advice after
Makeing Some appoligy for theres not Paying more
attention to us Sooner are let them know we would take
into Consideration whawt they had said to us & give them
an answer, they Introduced what they had to say by
agreeing we were in the Presents of the Great Spirit & that
believed we were honest men & there friends