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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Diary, Visit to Indians

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Some account of our journey to Cannandaigue

15 of the 7 month 1794

Believing it Right to Attend a Treaty to be Held with
the Six Nation Indians

, Timothy Pickerin Being Commisoner
John Parrish William Savery James Emlen and myself
set of on our journey the 15 of the 7 month 1794
we staid at Casper Hainses. Germantown Refreshed our selves
the weather Being very warm then rode 14 m to Joseph Pottses
. Dined there, from were we Rode to Thomas Rutters 16 miles

the 16

Lodged there the 16 we Left T:R

Rode to Reding 19 miles
staid there all night - at Samuel Jackson's


we Rode to Mordica Lee

10 miles, got Breakfast Rode to Carters Town
9 miles, dined then to Stevenses 8 miles from thence to the Widdow Hollow,
9 miles lodges there were well entertained.


we set out early
rode 6 miles to Devout Thrathes got our breakfast of venson.
Rode a 11 miles to Ladenburg

as got dinner on fryed poork.
Then to Catewising 13 miles. Lodged at John Myers


we crossed Susquehanna

Rode 11 miles to Hugh
s, dined on bread and butter then rode 9 miles to Mc
Calvery, got some fryed Mutton the to William Ellises, 5 miles.
stayed with his wife and children all night he being in Philad.


went to Samuel Wallise

, at Muncy from thence to Mary Harris's
9 miles with savery being poorly we stayed there all night


we left there Rhode to Kiyles

16 miles got dinner then to
the Block House 22 miles moved a bad rode which occasioned
us to be within night. Before we got there, we crossed
Moccomming 9 Time & Trout Run 32, in the way