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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.3

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refreshd me but did not relieve my mind [?]
felt in a great straight what was best to be
done--my Co. were intent on proceeding home
ward & could not bear to a Detention--they
therefore advised me to change my Horse
for another, or sell him & take the stage
via Albany

& New York, but to neither plan
could I feel reconcild--& to be left behind among
strangers at such a Distance looked very gloomy,
yet seemd the most satisfactory provided I could
not keep along. Batavia is in Gennessee
& the County Town has a fine Court
House & prhps 30 Houses -- is situate on
the Tonawanda which we crossd
some miles before getting here, and a
little before Murder Creek.
having Dind I went on with my Co. 12 Miles
to Gansons Tavern, where I nursd poor Snip
as well as I could, &

next Morn'g the 4th

Rose before Day & rode over a poor Dry
Country till we came to the Indian Reser
vation on the Gennessee River

, which we
Crossd, perhaps a mile thro' the enclosd
Flats, a very excellent soil coverd with
rich Pasture, with Horses, Cattle & Swine