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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.3

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Prosper, We press Thee with a powerful Plea
A Task we've Venturd on, impelld by Thee.
Our Opportunity together was a favourd
one--the Overshadowing Wing of Antient
Kindness accompanying our Minds,
under which a renewed Confirmation of
the Promise was afforded, That
where two or three are met & gathered
in the Almighty Name--there He would
be in the midst of them. Amos Lea

had a comfortable yet solemn Com
munication, reviving the scripture that
here we have no continuing City & there
fore should seek one to come &c--but
that if we were in our proper places it
matterd not where our Exit as to sub
limary Things took place. The Text
which had several times run
thro' my own Mind, he also repeated.
Where Two or Three &ca. I can ac
knowledge that in this Opportunity
I felt abundantly satisfied--it seemd
like a seal of our being rightly put