with difficulty keep our Horses in
ascending & Descending
- several times
we have forded the Allegany
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for the most part level & little or no store
& generally good but the edge of one
Mountain which we passd over
was strong. The Timber, white Pine,
White Oak & Sugar Maple principally-
about Noon we put on at Peter Snyder
& obtaind some Corn for our Horses of
an Indian Woman who livd Close by- some
Crackers & Cheese brot by Amos Lea
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for our repast which being over we
mounted our Horses & being now on better ground on the
Indian reservation & among the settlers
the Path was more Cleard & good trave
lling. we had an Old White man for
our Guide whom we met with at Adam
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at Francis Kings
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expected, - his name, Joshua - after
twice more fording the Allegany
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passing thro